person braiding little girl s hair

It’s ok to not have it all. But have fun!

I remember there was an article about having it and how working moms today are so pressured by the society to have it all and it is actually ok to not have it all.

My journey of a mom was full of up and downs and there were tons of moments that I knew that I did not have it all. There were moments of wondering if I can give my children what they needed being a single mom. There were moments of not sure if I could make it work. There were moments of running late to activities because there was too much going on. There were moments of not getting the promotion that I wanted.

It is during the pandemic, I realized that maybe I did not have a partner to support me, and I did not have it all, but it is ok because I figured life out. Life is not about beating yourself up about not having this or that, not being able to accomplish this and that, or not being to do all what society expects you to do. Life is about take one moment at a time and enjoy it!

During pandemic, each day I would bake and tried out different recipes. This hobby allowed me to be creative and kept me busy. The best part of all, everyone around me really enjoyed my hobby. I dropped off the baked good at my friends’ all the time. I was spreading joy with my hobby. For me, there is nothing better than that. The more joy I share, the more joy I have. When you have fun and enjoy life, life gets better each day. One moment at a time. Before you know, you life is full of joy, because you have so much fun!

With Joy,
