Category: Working Mom

  • Instant gratification from cookies

    Instant gratification from cookies

    The marshmallow test Walter Mischel  My children surprise me in many ways. My son went to an overnight summer camp for the first time without me this summer. So one of the dad was going there mid week, so I asked the dad to bring him a care package with home made chocolate chip cookies.…

  • Tree pose in yoga- am I off balance because others are? 

    It has been a while since I attended a yoga class, and during tree pose, the yoga teacher said the usual that you need to have a focus point, before you do the tree pose. And of course during that balancing pose, there are all these wobbly people. And it made me realize that do…

  • Our success is measured by money, but how about by happiness?

    Our success is measured by money, but how about by happiness?

    In this society, we measure success by money and the things we own. Step by and think about it, is that what we are here to accomplish? Is working long hours getting what we want? It is almost like a trap with money, you can never think you have enough. Then you thrive for more…

  • I need space – even as an extrovert  

    I need space – even as an extrovert  

    That’s how people differentiate extrovert and introvert, how they recharge. I am not sure if I agree with that generalization. As an extrovert, I love people and being around people. And I am certainly excited to be with people. However, I noticed that if I take time to recharge, I am a better person. Dealing…

  • It is ok to pause.

    It is ok to pause.

    Being a single mom with a full time job, it is sometimes a challenge to check with myself and see how I am doing as a person. Am I overwhelmed with the to-do list? Am I feeling ok in this busy life? This past weekend was an example of forgetting to put self care first…

  • Show up for your kid- even if you are going to be late

    Show up for your kid- even if you are going to be late

    My son had an end of the year picnic at school, and I had to facilitate an important meeting at work. I knew I will be late to the picnic if I go after the meeting. Feeling a bit guilty about not being able to be there for the picnic, I realized that showing up…

  • The journey to be myself being a single mom

    It took me 10 years to be comfortable enough to tell people that I am a single mom. For me there was so much shame attached to that title, that I was so ashamed of myself being one. I was never comfortable being me, as I grew up to be an outsider. I grew up…

  • All these problems, help! What do I do?

    Oh no, it’s one of those days that nothing went my way. At work, things kept blowing up. I made a careless mistake on a work document, then said something incorrect at a meeting, then the kids decided not to listen, and we were late to sports, gosh to add on this, every traffic light…

  • Parenting advice- Who had the meltdown? Mom or the Kid?

    Parenting advice- Who had the meltdown? Mom or the Kid?

    I always say that my children are my biggest teachers in life. My life experiences with them led me to an amazing life journey and they make me self-reflect all the time. Let me justify my behavior that it was a very hot Spring day in the 90s. I wanted to take the boys to…

  • It’s ok to not have it all. But have fun!

    It’s ok to not have it all. But have fun!

    I remember there was an article about having it and how working moms today are so pressured by the society to have it all and it is actually ok to not have it all. My journey of a mom was full of up and downs and there were tons of moments that I knew that…