Tag: life lessons
It is ok to have wounds
In this society it is frowned upon to tell people that you are not perfect. It is not ok to tell people that you dont have the picture perfect life. Then it became not ok to know that we had a past full of wounds and mistakes and we need to heal. I often hear…
I need space – even as an extrovert
That’s how people differentiate extrovert and introvert, how they recharge. I am not sure if I agree with that generalization. As an extrovert, I love people and being around people. And I am certainly excited to be with people. However, I noticed that if I take time to recharge, I am a better person. Dealing…
Life is precious- stroke at 49.
We are so busy running around, getting things done with the kids, at work and doing all the things we need to. We forget how precious life is. Until there is that big transformational moment, that makes us reflect about life. My friend’s brother had a stroke at 49 and it’s been challenging for the…
Why do we want the things we want? Does that bring us more happiness?
We live in a place of lack. We always want more things, more money, a better job, a better life. But do we really know why we want the things we want? Do we just want it because that is what everyone else wants? That is what we are told that we should want growing…
It is ok to pause.
Being a single mom with a full time job, it is sometimes a challenge to check with myself and see how I am doing as a person. Am I overwhelmed with the to-do list? Am I feeling ok in this busy life? This past weekend was an example of forgetting to put self care first…
Wildfire haze in Washington- do we see what the reality is in this haze?
We have been living in this haze for the past few days. It feels so unreal when you are outside that you are looking at things through this haze, are things really as we see them? It’s almost like seeing things from a different lens. Red is no longer red. White is no longer white.…
Show up for your kid- even if you are going to be late
My son had an end of the year picnic at school, and I had to facilitate an important meeting at work. I knew I will be late to the picnic if I go after the meeting. Feeling a bit guilty about not being able to be there for the picnic, I realized that showing up…
Perfectionist & baking- Mom had a meltdown baking cookies
I clearly remember my sons words “Mom, they are just cookies”. When he said that, it woke me up. On a day in June, the baker in me decided to make some sugar cookies with my son. My son decided to cut the cookies in Bunny forms. I did not say much, but really the…
I am special
How many times have we told our children that they are so special? What is the message that we are telling them when we say that? Are we saying that because they are so special, they should feel entitled about life? I do believe that we are all different and unique in ways as individuals,…
Blame you- so I don’t have to look at myself
In life, it is so easy to blame the other person. When that crazy driver cut me off, I am so yelling at him. How dare him! What was he thinking? I own the road and don’t you dare cutting me off. He was such a idiot by the way he drives. Have you looked…