Tag: motivation

  • Perfectionist & baking- Mom had a meltdown baking cookies

    Perfectionist & baking- Mom had a meltdown baking cookies

    I clearly remember my sons words “Mom, they are just cookies”. When he said that, it woke me up.  On a day in June, the baker in me decided to make some sugar cookies with my son. My son decided to cut the cookies in Bunny forms. I did not say much, but really the…

  • I am special

    I am special

    How many times have we told our children that they are so special? What is the message that we are telling them when we say that? Are we saying that because they are so special, they should feel entitled about life?  I do believe that we are all different and unique in ways as individuals,…

  • Blame you- so I don’t have to look at myself

    Blame you- so I don’t have to look at myself

    In life, it is so easy to blame the other person. When that crazy driver cut me off, I am so yelling at him. How dare him! What was he thinking? I own the road and don’t you dare cutting me off. He was such a idiot by the way he drives. Have you looked…

  • People pleaser – whom can I please? be myself- take care of yourself

    People pleaser – whom can I please? be myself- take care of yourself

    Growing up, being the eldest child, I am used to taking care of my younger brother. I moved to Austria with my father and my brother, then I was automatically told to take care of my father and brother. Then I became a people pleaser. I thought being a people pleaser, my parents would love…

  • Positive mindset and aging 

    Positive mindset and aging 

    Aging – stay young – mindset creates how you feel and how you look No one would believe my age, I have been able to maintain the youthful look. There is so much negative feeling attached to aging in our culture.  I have a positive mindset about aging. I knew as I get older, I…

  • The journey to be myself being a single mom

    It took me 10 years to be comfortable enough to tell people that I am a single mom. For me there was so much shame attached to that title, that I was so ashamed of myself being one. I was never comfortable being me, as I grew up to be an outsider. I grew up…

  • The journey to know myself 

    The journey to know myself 

    I used to think I knew who I am. I mean I have a name and personality. I have a unique name, so I don’t think people will get confused if I tell them who I am. It is not until I started to self reflect, I realized I did not know me at all.…

  • Worry less and live more

    Worry less and live more

    Sometimes life of a mom involves volunteering and talking to a teenager. I always say that my children are my greatest teachers in life. Through them I had to learn how to be uncomfortable and be vulnerable. Through them I also learn to live my life. My son’s friend was telling me about his big…

  • Life is so better when you are positive!

    Life is so better when you are positive!

    Don’t we all have one of those days, when we think that life couldn’t get worse and we are just so angry about these obstacles happening to us. And we keep telling to ourselves, why? Why? Why? Did you know that life can get so much better instantly when you look at it differently. On…

  • Guilty pleasure

    Guilty pleasure

    Guilt, happiness, Guilty pleasure, that’s how the commercial call it when you have a piece of chocolate. Should I feel guilty of enjoying a snack? Should I beat myself up for having that extra calorie? Should I beat myself up for not following my diet and cheated with a piece of chocolate? Should I? NO!!!…