Blog about life

This blog is about my life lessons- being a mom, being a friend, and just being.

  • The journey to know myself 

    The journey to know myself 

    I used to think I knew who I am. I mean I have a name and personality. I have a unique name, so I don’t think people will get confused if I tell them who I am. It is not until I started to self reflect, I realized I did not know me at all.…

  • Worry less and live more

    Worry less and live more

    Sometimes life of a mom involves volunteering and talking to a teenager. I always say that my children are my greatest teachers in life. Through them I had to learn how to be uncomfortable and be vulnerable. Through them I also learn to live my life. My son’s friend was telling me about his big…

  • Life is so better when you are positive!

    Life is so better when you are positive!

    Don’t we all have one of those days, when we think that life couldn’t get worse and we are just so angry about these obstacles happening to us. And we keep telling to ourselves, why? Why? Why? Did you know that life can get so much better instantly when you look at it differently. On…

  • Guilty pleasure

    Guilty pleasure

    Guilt, happiness, Guilty pleasure, that’s how the commercial call it when you have a piece of chocolate. Should I feel guilty of enjoying a snack? Should I beat myself up for having that extra calorie? Should I beat myself up for not following my diet and cheated with a piece of chocolate? Should I? NO!!!…

  • The story that you tell yourself. You can do it!

    The story that you tell yourself. You can do it!

    We are all story tellers. There is an inner voice inside ourselves that tells us things. Whether is waiting for a doctor’s phone call of a test result, waiting for a recruiter to call you back about a job, or taking on a challenging project at work. Did you know that depending what story that…

  • My child would not listen? What should I do?

    My child would not listen? What should I do?

    As a mom, there were some challenging parenting moments, when I am with a grumpy child and wondered what should I do? We are not doing what we are here to do. This child is clearly not listening. My two children have completely different personality and they also tend to be crumply at different times.…

  • Just be you. Be the authentic you

    Just be you. Be the authentic you

    Growing up, I was constantly told that I was not thin enough, I was not smart enough, and not popular enough. I always looked at the other girls and envied them.  I never knew what it was like to just be me. It always seemed that they had everything. I was so uncomfortable about being…

  • Parenting advice- Who had the meltdown? Mom or the Kid?

    Parenting advice- Who had the meltdown? Mom or the Kid?

    I always say that my children are my biggest teachers in life. My life experiences with them led me to an amazing life journey and they make me self-reflect all the time. Let me justify my behavior that it was a very hot Spring day in the 90s. I wanted to take the boys to…

  • It’s ok to not have it all. But have fun!

    It’s ok to not have it all. But have fun!

    I remember there was an article about having it and how working moms today are so pressured by the society to have it all and it is actually ok to not have it all. My journey of a mom was full of up and downs and there were tons of moments that I knew that…

  • All the places you’ll go

    All the places you’ll go

    Where life took me “All the places you’ll go” by Dr. Seuss, I remember reading that book to my son when he was graduating preschool. And voila, all the places life has taken me. Life has taken me to three continents, four countries, two partners, one divorce, one cancer, two children, one corporate job later.…